Graduation Information
Date & Time:
- Graduation 2024 will be on Thursday, June 27th at 7:00 pm in the gymnasium.
- All graduates need to be in the math hall at 6:00 pm the night of graduation.
- There will be a limit of two guests allowed per graduate, to come to the ceremony, due to capacity limits imposed by the fire department.
- $50 graduation fee
- Order your grad gowns on School Cash Online (if you have not already done so). You will keep your grad cap, gown, and red sash.
Grad Photos:
- Students who want their grad photos posted to social media will need to fill out the following form (see below):
- Each graduate can nominate one graduate for Valedictorian.
- Nominations close on Wednesday, May 15/24.
- Nominate using the Google Form (see below):